Brass Flower Bouquet


By Jonathan Adler - 

Flowers are fleeting, but brass petals are forever. A seasoned vase dresser, Jonathan has cycled through billions of flower alternatives, feathers included. His latest obsession? Brass flowers. In the style of an all white bouquet built from different buds, each of these seven brass blooms is unique and uniquely cohesive as a perfectly arranged bouquet. 

  • Set of seven
  • Dimensions: Heights range from 15” to 24”H
  • Designed and sculpted by Jonathan and his team in their Soho studio, then cast in solid brass and polished to perfection by hand
  • Like a fine wine or your favorite leather jacket, this brass only gets better with age—over time, the polished brass will develop a rich natural patina
  • Dust with a soft, dry cloth
  • Use a microfiber cloth to buff out fingerprints and minor scratches
  • If you have no patience for patina, use a brass polish
  • Never use harsh chemical or abrasive cleaners that could erode protective topcoats
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